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Open House

April and May, 2019
The grand opening of our new Gift Shop and the Gallery on 1.

As a transition into the new gallery format, James Hubbard, our center print-maker, arranged a retrospective of his prints, collages and more. He also had a showing of recent themes with paper he marbleized then overlaid with printed or painted images. Many of his works were for sale as single or limited edition prints.

Center ceramic artist Michael Sprague, who joins Hubbard, was experimenting with new ceramic forms and crystalline glazes. His work was also available for purchase.

During May, our artist of the month was Daniel Driggs and his work was displayed in the east annex of the Gallery on 1.

With the recent donations of a large loom and a beautiful version of a traditional spinning wheel, Gene Bayless will be our lead textile artist in the west annex of the Gallery on 1. His weavings, together with the work of other textile artists, can be purchased through the Gift Shop.

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