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Meet our artists

Our artists are assigned one of the following categories and are listed alphabetically within a category:


Resident: Artists with studios at the Sugar Creek Art Center.

Non-resident: Artists who have studio or workshop space elsewhere, but regularly volunteer and/or show and sell through our galleries or gift shop.

Guest: Regional artists who show as guests of the resident artists and who may be featured artists or sell through the gift shop.

Resident Artists

Denise Bechtold

Gourd art and photography
Denise often creates seasonal cartoon characters from gourds and mixed media. Although her photography subjects are broad, she is primarily influenced by the flora and fauna of the Florida coast.



Daniel T Driggs

Paintings in Acrylics & Oils

Daniel Driggs uses different styles to create his works. His Out-of-Chaos series relies on abstract backgrounds, his representational art uses animal and human figures, and his landscapes and studio groupings take on a more impressionistic form.


James Hubbard


Although now predominantly working in printmaking, James mixes his styles to include marbleizing, linocut and etching techniques, while also occasionally painting with watercolors. In 2019, James took on the role of curator of exhibitions and shows in the galleries on the first and second floors and created the Nook Gallery for unframed works on paper.


CJ Laster

Porcelain Artist

CJ is an internationally trained porcelain painter who uses 2- and 3-dimensional porcelain blanks to create images of flora and fauna, as well as vehicles and buildings, in both traditional and contemporary styles.




Non-resident Artists

Marcos Bautista


Gene Bayless


Melisa Imbus

Knitting and sewing


Scott Kinzie



Chuck Mohr

Wood turning


Erin Salewicz

Mixed Media


Unzicker Brothers



Bob Woody

Wood turning

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